The Pillars of the Earth

Several previews of Episode 3 of The Pillars of the Earth

Starz has posted several previews for episode 3 of TPOTE


Pleading with the King

The Price of Wool (with Matthew as the Prior)

Wall Street Journal Interview with Matthew Macfadyen (July 2010)

The Wall Street Journal has interviewed Matthew Macfadyen and discusses his thoughts about The Pillars of the Earth and The Three Musketeers in 3D.  Read the full article here!

Follett Interview with the NY Times

Ken Follett was interviewed for the NY Times and was asked the following question

Q. Is it hard, as an author, seeing your book being changed and condensed in the adaptation process?

A. It’s not really hard. You look at the actor, and you think, “Oh my God, he’s not supposed to look like that.” Matthew Macfadyen, for example — Prior Philip in my mind is a small, slight man. And his strength comes from the force of his moral courage. And Matthew Macfadyen is, what, 6 foot 5? And terribly handsome. So initially you think, “Matthew Macfadyen?” But you accept that. I don’t mind it at all. It amuses me.

Pillars of the Earth: There's now an App for that!

The Ipad app is now available on the itunes store.  Even though the USA article says it is available for the Ipad, iphone, and ipod touch, a search of the itunes store only shows the version for the ipad (at least currently).  The app is currently being sold for $12.99

"And in a novel twist, embedded videos are digitally time-coded or locked so that you can't watch them until that particular episode airs. This edition includes an array of extras as elaborate as any on a director's cut DVD."


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