The Pillars of the Earth

Episode 6 trailer of The Pillars of the Earth

Starz has posted a preview for episode 6 of The Pillars of the Earth

A Trailer and Two Teasers From Episode 4 of the Pillars of the Earth

Starz has finally posted two teasers and the trailer for the fourth episode of the Pillars of the Earth.  No Prior Philip in the two teasers, though.



The Factual Opinion Review of Pillars of the Earth

I couldn't resist posting this review.  The Factual Opinion had the following to say about episode 3 of The Pillars of the Earth:

"Of course, we are all rooting for the good Prior Philip. And although the book certainly seems to have it's audience rooting for him, I believe Matthew MacFadyen's performance is so compelling that you're not only wanting him to succeed, you want him on camera all the time. Rufus Sewell is doing a nice job as Tom Builder, but like everybody else on the show, I'm kind of wishing that MacFadyen was always standing somewhere on screen, even if he's just eating walnuts and looking at the other characters talk."

Episode 4 trailer

I've been waiting for Starz' youtube to make episode 4's trailer available, but they haven't as of yet, so here it is.

It looks grim for the saintly Prior Philip.
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