Seat42F has an exclusive interview with Matthew Macfadyen and mainly his role in Succession. You can read the full interview HERE.
Here is small bit with Matthew:
You said you wanted to do more work in the United States. Is this gonna be the first of a series of new projects for you over here, or is it just kind of something you’re dabbling in for the moment?
MATTHEW: Just dabbling. I mean, I don’t do anything but dabble. I don’t have any plan. I think most actors don’t. I think the things you can do is: not do things. Don’t try and do the same things you’ve been doing and get further avenues. So it’s really been a breath of fresh air, playing an American, doing a TV show, and getting the experience here. They’re all new things. For an actor, that’s kind of great. Otherwise, it can become a bit stale, always playing the same time of part, all the same media. And it’s just fun filming in Manhattan, my god.