Macbeth gets away with murder
A mock trial was held at Royal Courts of Justice and Macbeth and his wife were found not guilty. In the mock trial, Matthew Macfadyen played Lord Macbeth and Maxine Peake played Lady Macbeth. Other actors played judges, defendants and witness.
Macbeth pleaded diminished responsibility, while Lady Macbeth claimed she was coerced.
Shaw still sent the couple down. All good fun, and all in a good cause. The evening raised an estimated £15,000 for the Kalisher Scholarship, which enables students from less privileged backgrounds to train for the law.
The play, staged both in the present day and in Shakespeare's time, was written by Bafta award-winning screenwriter and playwright Peter Moffat.
Read the full story and see the rest of the photos HERE.
Thanks to 6point7 for finding and sharing the article with us.