Three Musketeers Interviews

Audio Interviews and New Video of Three Musketeers

The pace of the release of information from The Three Musketeers continues rapidly.  I have several new updates for you.

First, this is via Pink Lady.  If you go to the official website and click on the characters, you can now view videos that have not been previously released.  Athos can be seen planning an offence against an enemy.

Second, you can listen to various audio interviews here.

More from Wondercon about Three Musketeers

You can watch Logan Lerman being interviewed about Three Musketeers HERE.

Luke Evans is being interviewed for several of his upcoming movies, but starting at 9:27 he talks about filming Three Musketeers.

Matthew comments on his role as Athos (Empire March 2011)

A huge thank you to Lorna for sharing this!  You can view the full article in the gallery.

Matthew comments on his role as Athos (Empire March 2011)

Full video of Three Musketeers Press Conference

Forum member, Marina has found the full video of the press conference for Three Musketeers held on 20 August in Munich.  In Part II, Matthew can be seen answering a reporter's question.

You can view the video HERE.

It was also announced at the press conference that the film will be released on September 1, 2011.

Wall Street Journal Interview with Matthew Macfadyen (July 2010)

The Wall Street Journal has interviewed Matthew Macfadyen and discusses his thoughts about The Pillars of the Earth and The Three Musketeers in 3D.  Read the full article here!

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