Books Read by Matthew Macfadyen:
- The Coma
- Stories We Could Tell
- Pride and Prejudice (Excerpt only. Read for Carte Noire)
Read on BBC Radio:
- The Voyage of The Beagle (2000) aired on BBC Radio 4 in 2000. A Five part series. A week of Charles Darwin's vivid journal `Voyage of the Beagle', in which he records the fascinating details of his round-the-world adventures as a young man. 1: Brazil. 2: Tierra del fuego. 3: The Andes. 4: The Galapagos. 5: Brazil. Reader: Matthew Macfadyen.
- Not The End of The World Radio play for BBC Radio 4 on 23 January 2002. Authored by Simon Smith. When Paul's marriage breaks down, unable to talk to his son about what is happening, Paul pretends he is going off into outer space as he leaves the family home. Matthew Macfadyen and Rachel Gleaves play a separated couple
- Trampoline (Afternoon Play) aired on BBC Radio in 2001. By Meredith Oakes. As a little girl bounces on a trampoline in her garden, different people catch sight of her, and we weave in and out of their thoughts, in the manner of `Under Milk Wood'. With Bridget Turner, Dinah Stabb, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Matthew MacFadyen, Shaun Parkes and Andrew Scott. Directed by Mary Peate.
- Getting Away From It: The Island aired on BBC Radio in 2004. Travels abroad shed new light on life back home in stories by different writers. Matthew read the final of 5 episodes. The Island By Tim Pears. A remote island off the coast of Maine provides answers to a young man's past. Read by Matthew MacFadyen.
- Making of Music (2007): Matthew reads for the BBC 4 radio show Making of Music.
- Essential Poems-- Matthew recites 3 poems on this DVD
- clips available to listen in the gallery
- ad on youtube
- BMW-- clips available to listen in the gallery
- Harrods Weekend Sale
- Harrods sale ad #2
- Harrods Final Sale
- Royal Mail Small Business Radio Ad
- Smirnoff Ad
- Mercedes Benz
- Volvo
- Centerparcs
- Harrod's 2007/2008 commercial-- clips available in gallery
- Volvo 2008 commercial-- clip available in gallery
- Another Volvo 2008 commercial
- Centerparcs II (1/08)
- Freeview
- Benylin
- Mercedes radio ad 2010
- M&S Food Adverts 2011
- Classic FM Honda's Hall of Dreamers (2011)
- The Hungerford Massacre (2004)-- Hungerford Massacre was broadcast on BBC One at 2100 GMT on Tuesday 7 December 2004. The show focuses on the mass murders which took place in Hungerford in 1987. Matthew narrates.
- 9/11 Liars (2006)-- aired in UK in September 2006 for the 5 year anniversary. The show discusses people who took advantage of the 9/11 tragedy. Matthew narrates.
- Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial (2006)- a three part series shown in the UK on BBC2 started in September 2006. New docu-drama series recreating the court cases of three of World War Two's most notorious Nazis, using eyewitness interviews and archive footage, as well as considering the interviews they underwent at the hands of lawyers and psychologists.
- The Blair Years (2007) - a three part documentary which appeared on BBC1 in November 2007. The series provides a unique account of Tony Blair s 10 years as prime minister. Matthew Macfadyen narration.
- Last Party at the Palace: High Society (2007)- marking the 50th anniversary of the demise, in July 1958, of one of high society’s “most elaborate and archaic aristocratic ceremonies”. Namely, the presentation at court of the year’s fresh crop of debutantes, or marriageable young virgins of good breeding. Matthew Macfadyen narrates. Appeared on Channel 4 in December 2007.
- Dangerous Jobs For Girls (2008)- Four teams of high-achieving British women travelling the world to take on tough, physical jobs that have only ever been done by men. Matthew Macfadyen narrates. Series One began on Channel 4 in 30 July 2008.
- The Words of War (2008)- A documentary. Ninety years since the end of WWI, letters, diaries and poems depicting first-hand accounts of life in the trenches are read by serving soldiers, relatives and public figures. ITV on 11 November 2008.
- Wine Series (2009) - a 3 part series about Château Margaux, Berry Bros and South Africa. The series contrasts the wine world's oldest merchants and most revered winery, with some of its newest and most iconoclastic participants. BBC4 on 14 February 2009.
- Inside MI5: The Real Spooks (2009) - MI5 was an organisation so secret that for decades, it didn’t officially exist. Television fiction has highlighted and glamorised the work of the organisation for years, but this documentary reveals the story of the real life drama of Britain’s Security Service. Aired on ITV on 7th December 2009.
- Bring Back Borstal (2015) - a four part series examining if troubled youths can undergo Borstal 1930's training and can reform and decrease the re-offense rate. Aired on ITV January 2015.
- Robin Hood's Quest
- Quest for Aladdin's Treasure (Matthew is given credit on the cover yet does not actually have any voiceovers within the game)
- Risk I (2007 version)
- Royal Court Theatre's Look Back: 50 Readings, January 2006, in Christopher Hampton’s Total Eclipse. The Royal Court was celebrating it's 50th birthday with 50 rehearsed readings by various actors including Judi Dench. Matthew also read at this event.
- 119310 reads