Pride and Prejudice Media

Pinky's love for Mr Darcy gets her on the BBC!

Reader I Married Him a new 4 part BBC series has one of our forum members appearing in it! Pinky Andrexa, the extremely talented poet and artist, was chosen to make an e-fit picture of the ideal Mr Darcy. She was among Mr Firth fans mainly Sealed but managed to defend her favourite Mr Darcy......

Here is an article from her local newspaper about the programme.

A New Version of Pride and Prejudice (Apr 2006)

A New Version of Pride and Prejudice Renews Interest in Jane Austin's Classic Story

Focus Features Accomplishes What A & E Wasn't Able to Do

By Christopher Kendalls

April 3, 2006

 Vastly improves upon what was, at the time, the latest version of the film
 Newer, lesser known actors are mixed in with veterans of their profession
 Complex camera angles and sophisticated shooting techniques add to the artistic feel of this film
When Universal Studios released a newer, reinterepreted version of Jane Austin's classic epic Pride and Prejudice there were skeptics, there were pundits, naysayers, to be sure. I should know because I was one. Yet, surprisingly, the famous version heralded in through A & E featuring Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle was soon a distant memory by this reviewer. This story finally receives the treatment that is deserves.

Not only are all of the characters fleshed out here, but this interpretation has a few extra scenes that enhance the experience for the viewer. I did watch the A & E version, of which I think lent itself more to the aesthetic of the time in which it was filmed than it did that of the original story. This movie needed some depth, and we see a side of the Bingley's, as well as Mr. Darcy, that we hadn't before. In spite of it's shorter running length, 2 hours and 9 minutes, 8 of which appear to be credits, this interpretation is a far departure from earlier incarnations of this masterpiece by Jane Austin.

Keira Comments on Mr. Darcy (Independent Sept 2005)

Fitzwilliam Darcy: Oh, Mr Darcy

What is it about the trouser interest in 'Pride and Prejudice' that so captivates women?

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