Pride and Prejudice Media

Battle of the Mr. Darcys

Thanks to those who found this current poll. There's a poll asking which Mr. Darcy you prefer, Matthew Macfadyen or Colin Firth. Go vote for Matthew here.

You can vote once per day. 

Grazia Interview of Keeley (Jan 2007)

The following is a transcription of an interview from Grazia magazine. The scan is in the gallery, along with an image of Keeley. Thank you to kls010 for the interview and scan!

Click on read more!

Mr. Darcy, the chick magnet

Mr. Darcy, the chick magnet

The strong, silent hero of Pride and Prejudice has long been a nemesis of the normal guy
Bruce Ward
CanWest News Service

CREDIT: Canadian Press
Matthew Macfadyen, attractively sullen as Mr. Darcy, dances with Keira Knightley in Pride & Prejudice.

OTTAWA - Some of you young studs out there will be taking your sweetie to see Pride & Prejudice tonight at the cineplex. You will encounter Mr. Darcy, maybe for the first time. And you will not prevail against Mr. Darcy. "What's the matter, Pops?" I hear you snickering. "Can't handle a chick flick?"

It was the best kiss, it was the worst in 'Pride & Prejudice'

It was the best kiss, it was the worst in 'Pride & Prejudice'


To kiss or not to kiss. That is the tempest brewing among Jane Austen lovers.

North American moviegoers are being treated to a smoochier finale to Pride & Prejudice, which opens wider Nov. 23, from the one playing overseas.

Mr Darcy Named One of the 12 Sexiest Men Who Never Lived

San Francisco Chronicle

The Naked and the Dead

Neva Chonin
Sunday, November 26, 2006

"There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous."

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