Matthew interview : RED magazine Oct 07
The new October issue of Red magazine , in UK, has an interview and gorgeous full page photo of Matthew. It has been scanned, and the larger image with interview has been added to the galleries. It will be transcribed later for here.
The transcription is below:
Matthew Macfadyen
Vital Statistics: Matthew, 32, is married to actress Keeley Hawes, 30. They have two children, Maggie, two and Ralph, one, plus Keeley's son, Myles, seven, from her former marriage. They live in South London.
On Death at a Funeral: It's a farce really, about a family who are trying to give the patriarch a decent send-off and things go terribly wrong. There's blackmail and secrets and hallucinogenic drugs... British comedy's great, because there's a lot of repressed anger - it's all about hidden rage. Like Basil Fawlty.
On playing a paedohile in Secret Life: It wasn't the most glamorous job! I thought about it a bit, when I read the script, because you never know how people will respond, but, in the main, I got a positive reaction. It was a really happy shoot, oddly. It's often like that, if you're doing something really dark - everyone has quite a good time, a lot of giggles.
On being a father: It's changed my life for the better. Kids are hilarious. Nobody tells you how funny they're going to be; all you hear about is sleepless nights - and there is that - but they're also very funny.
On time off: I'd like to take Keeley for a little holiday, just the two of us, and then I'd like to have the kids couriered to us after about a week. Somewhere nice and warm, like France.
Best British actor: Daniel Day-Lewis. He's the living actor I most admire.
Favourite place in Britain: My bed. As opposed to Lake Windemere or St Paul's Cathedral.
Favourite British Quirk: The amount of different meanings behind the word 'sorry'. AA Gill wrote a funny book called The Angry Island, which is all about rage - the defining characteristic of Englishness. People think British people are polite, because they say sorry all the time, but it's more like, "Sorry, f*ck you.'
Things you miss most about home: My wife and kids.
Best thing about being British: As an actor, the nice thing is the language of all those great playwrights... if that doesn't sound too wanky.
Where you'll see Matthew next: Death at a Funeral is released on Nov 2.