More reviews and more photos from Private Lives Press Night

A few more exciting reviews

Daily Mail : "This is a gorgeous, glorious production of Private Lives, just bitchy enough to be modern, yet old-fashioned enough to have a three-part form. "

"All four principals are superb. Mr Macfadyen's Elyot is greedily  nonchalant about other people's feelings."

Telegraph :"Wonderfully funny and fabulously sexy, Private Lives has lost none of its allure."

What's on Stage : "There have not been that many outstanding revivals of Private Lives since Maggie Smith and Robert Stephens tore strips off each other, but this one has a freshness and elan that still takes you by surprise and honours both the musicality of Coward’s perfect prose and his brittle humanity."

London Evening Standard : "in the key roles, Kim Cattrall and Matthew Macfadyen have what might blithely be termed chemistry — though in fact it’s closer to particle physics, all energetic collisions and strong nuclear force."

"Although it begins on an unexpectedly passive note, this is a satisfying and intelligently conceived production. It’s fluent, very funny and at times dazzlingly well-acted."

Also, photos from the after party at Getty Images and Capitol photos.

Thanks to all the forum members who found the images and reviews.