Holding the Baby transcription

Here is a transcription of the clip with Matthew in Holding the Baby.

Men: Hey, have you seen who is down there with Che Guevara?
Matthew: Noooooooooo. Definitely NOT the ones from Nigeria
Sally: No?
Matthew: No. Surely everybody knows you're propping up a military Junta by buying them.
Sally: Wow. I had no idea that blackeyed beans were so oppressive
Matthew: Yeah


Matthew: Have you heard about the fish oil?
Sally: Oh yeah, yeah yeah. I had to throw out all my hob nobs. So, um, take me through it one more time, Marcus. It's no to the blackeye beans because of the oppression.
Matthew: yeah
Sally: It's no to the tuna because of the dolphins
Matthew: Dolphins, right
Sally: It's no to the scampi fries
Matthew: because they're disgusting. So I personally believe that you can be a consumer yet retain your integrity
Sally: Integrity is so important, right?
Matthew: yeah