Anna Karenina: Q&A with Matthew Macfadyen and Alicia Vikander
Spotlight Report has posted an interview with Matthew Macfadyen (Oblonsky) and Alicia Vikander (Kitty) from Anna Kareninna. You can read the full interview HERE.
Here are some Matthew snippets:
Q. Matthew, what kind of man is Oblonsky in the movie?
A. Oblonsky is a lover of pleasures of the flesh. He likes women and food and drink. He is a social animal and is not introspective and is not burdened with a sense of guilt about his actions. But he is not a callous man. He loves his friends and he loves the love of his friends, and he fails a bit in his own marriage.
Q.But he tries to bring happiness to others…
A. Absolutely, yes. And that is quite touching. He is a perceptive man about people and their behaviour but can’t always shine that perception on his own relationships.
Q.You worked with Anna Karenina director Joe Wright on Pride and Prejudice, Matthew. Has he changed at all as a director in the intervening years?
A.We worked together on Pride and Prejudice in 2004, I think, and that was Joe’s first film so it is lovely to be doing this, seven years later. Whether he’s changed it is hard to tell. Maybe he is more self-assured, because this is a big risky idea that he’s doing in this film. Joe is not full of bluster either. He is very thoughtful and caring about the actors. He makes you feel very secure. You want to trust your director.
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