Criminal Justice

The Independent examines Criminal Justice

The Independent has an article examining abuse in Criminal Justice.  Beware of spoilers, particularly with respect to Matthew Macfadyen's role.

What's on TV Maxine Peake interview

Here's a What's on TV interview with Maxine Peake. It has the same bit as the TV times about Matthew, but it doesn't hurt to repeat it here. 

What was it like playing opposite Matthew Macfadyen?
"Great. Because it's Matthew Macfadyen all the ladies watching will be going, 'Please let him survive – I'll switch over if he dies!' He is gorgeous and brilliant with this real ease about him – he makes everything look effortless – it's sickening really. He rocks up, everybody swoons, he does his bit and then off he goes!"

Official Criminal Justice Website

MM in Criminal JusticeBBC has now opened the official Criminal Justice website, along with a new trailer showing Joe Miller (Matthew) deliver a closing speech in court while Juliet (Maxine Peake) struggles to dress and is clearly agitated.


(the trailer can only be viewed in the UK

Maxine Peake Interview for Criminal Justice

Ian Wylie has now posted his interview with Maxine Peake for the Manchester Evening News

Also Maxine Peake had an interview in the TV Times and had the following to say about Matthew (thanks to JaneV):

"Joe is in hospital for a while, so you don't know if he makes it or not", reveals Maxine..... "But because it's Matthew Macfadyen playing him, all the ladies watching will be going, "Please let him survive - I'll switch over if he dies!".....

Maxine... has worked with Matthew a number of times... "We did The Way we Live Now...."He is gorgeous and brilliant, with this real ease about him. Matthew makes everything look effortless. It's sickening really," she chuckles. "He rocks up, everybody swoons, he does his bit and then off he goes."

Criminal Justice Trailer

A very huge thank you to 6point7 who has shared the Criminal Justice trailer, with Matthew Macfadyen narrating.  Criminal Justice begins airing October 5.
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