Little Dorrit

Episode 4 of Little Dorrit

Episode 4 of Little Dorrit will be shown from 8-8:30 on Thursday, 6 November on BBC1

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Episode 3 of Little Dorrit

Episode 3 of Little Dorrit will be shown on Wednesday, 5 November, 2008 at 8-8:30 pm.

Read more for synopsis (Spoilers)

Episode 2 of Little Dorrit

Episode 2 of Little Dorrit will be shown on Thursday 30 October at 8:30 pm on BBC1. It is a half hour episode.

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Episode 1 of Little Dorrit

Episode 1 of Little Dorrit is shown on BBC1 in the UK on Sunday 26 October at 8:00 pm. This episode is one hour.

Read more for synopsis (Spoilers)

Radio Times-- production team of Little Dorrit comments

According to forum member JaneV, the most recent issue of Radio Times has a behind the scenes feature about the production designer and his team from Little Dorrit.

Some comments:

Rigoud adding an edge of pure evil that helps to cut through the great clouds of niceness - Arthur and Amy being so nice they could power a small village on the stuff

Matthew Macfadyen's underplaying as Arthur is a quiet delight

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